Expat's Essential: Choosing the Perfect Family Home in Egypt
#11 - 11/03/2024
So as many of you know, we recently made the move from the UK to Egypt in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the Arabic language and a nurturing environment for our children to embrace the teachings of the Quran. Along the way, we realized the importance of finding the perfect place to call home.
While we initially settled into an apartment, our curiosity led us to explore other options in the area. Now, we're sharing our findings with you, particularly if you're contemplating the decision of making Hijrah from the West to Egypt. Let's dive in and discover the best areas Egypt has to offer for your next chapter!
The Journey Begins.
So we got in a Taxi and we started driving from 09:30 (okay, I was ten minutes late!), with our driver Moustafa. We fixed a day rate at 1,500 EGP and he agreed to be with us until 6pm. Our mission: to view over 8 compounds in New Cairo and uncover the best homes by the end of the day.
P.s. All prices mentioned are at the rates of (16/02/2024)
Obour City: Exploring the Unknown
Obour City definitely flattered to deceive.
Although spanning across a huge area and being built at some of the highest points in the city, it definitely didn’t feel like a compound.
With many areas incomplete and compounds feeling like they’re a confused mix of old Egypt and new (we saw a pretty horrid looking row of blue villas, for example!), it was a slightly underwhelming start.
It’s an area I wouldn’t recommend for British or Western expats.
- Average rent for a 2-3 apartment (furnished): EGP 15,000-20,000
- Average rent for a 3-4 bedroom villa: EGP 25,000-35,000

Shorouk City: Where Fancy Meets Reality
Next stop: Shorouk City, where luxury meets practicality. Fancy places like El-Patio catch your eye. Loloat Shorouk had security that felt a bit overdone (like.. are you hiding something?).
Spring valley was probably the nicest and El Patio Casa was where modernity and good security met.
Al Burouj offers the finest villas and properties, resembling a slice of Dubai with its townhouse layout.
However, amenities like Ubers, shopping malls, and pharmacies are scarce, and even food delivery services like Talabat are nonexistent as of the latest update. This may explain its affordability.
Overall, Shorouk City is nice, but it lacks the polish and charm we're searching for.
- Average rent for a 2-3 apartment (furnished): EGP 15,000-20,000
- Average rent for a 3-4 bedroom villa: EGP 25,000-35,000

Madinaty: A Hidden Gem
Our adventure takes an exciting turn as we discover Madinaty. This place is like a dream come true! From beautiful entrances with waterfalls to peaceful mosques, every detail feels just right.
There’s a nice busy feel yet with ample space to provide you your own sense of calmness.
The Masjids are beautiful, we prayed Jumu'ah in the TMG (Talaat Moustafa Group) Mosque and as typical with the TMG, the Imaam had a stunning, moving voice. There was also ample room for women and children to pray too.
The kids in fact loved the Masjid.
(TMG, definitely feel like the Apple or Google of the Egypt construction world)
It feel like a more modern Rehab, yet is slightly less expensive and at only 10 mins further than Rehab is, it seems like a no brainier for the cost saving you make on rent.
In Madinaty, it's easy to imagine calling it home.
- Average rent for a 2-3 apartment (furnished): EGP 25,000-30,000
- Average rent for a 3-4 bedroom villa: EGP 40,000-50,000

Badr: A Place of Surprises
Definitely reminiscent of Nasr City but without the hustle and bustle.
Many Egyptians call this area home, and it feels like a more modern version of Nasr City, boasting universities like the Russian University and the Engineering University—a hub for students across Egypt.
The vibe here is studious and authentic, but it falls short in terms of modernity, living standards, and a Western atmosphere.
With Nasr City becoming increasingly challenging for Western students and the expected rise in living costs, Badr is poised to become the new Nasr City.
Badr could be an ideal choice for young students seeking an affordable alternative to Nasr City with a similar vibe.
- Average rent for a 2-3 apartment (furnished): EGP 10,000-15,000
- Average rent for a 3-4 bedroom villa: EGP 20,000-25,000

Final Thoughts:
In conclusion, our exploration of Egypt's neighborhoods has been enlightening.
Madinaty won us over with its beauty, comfort, and affordability, making it our top pick. Rehab followed closely behind, despite its higher price and growing congestion.
While other areas may not suit Western tastes, each has its charm.
Ready for your own adventure? Grab your map and get ready for surprises!
#ExpatinEgypt #CompoundsHunting #NewCairoGems